American Sign Language translator

We Hear You American Sign Language Translation Software

ASL Translator Screenshot
Screenshot of Software User Interface

American Sign Language Translation Software

We Hear You Sign Language Translator

The We Hear You American Sign Language (ASL) Translator has the capability to turn hand signs into written text and speech as well as turn written or spoken English back into ASL.

This will help to remove the communication barrier for many who use ASL at coffee shops, grocery stores, concert venues, among many other places.

The goal is to not replace interpreters but to act as an alternative in places where interpreters are not ADA compliant required.

American Sign Language Translator

Real-time translation on any device with a camera

We Hear You is a streamlined communication tool that simulates conversation and helps bridge the gap to break the communication barrier between those who use ASL and those who do not.

We Hear You is a software that translates American Sign Language into speech and speech back to American Sign language in real-time. 
The software has a 99% accuracy with ASL fingerspelling and 97% accuracy for full gesture translation.


Translates American Sign Language into audible speech and vice versa in real-time.


Increases communication accessibility by bridging the gap between language barriers. 

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